Word of the Year

Word of the Year

Like many people, I was thrilled to put 2020 behind me and look forward to a brighter year in 2021. As I was thinking about possible New Year’s Resolutions, I noticed that many of my friends were choosing a Word of the Year instead of resolutions.

On the surface, resolutions seem like a great idea – a way to motivate you towards a better you. In practice, however, they rarely work. Many times, we fail in some way early in the year and find ourselves scrapping the goal entirely.

Unlike resolutions, a Word of the Year is something meant to guide you throughout the year. It is not a specific goal to accomplish or habit to change, but it helps you to focus on the life you want and to guide your daily actions. It is a gentler, more flexible tool for growth.

Even though we are three weeks into the year, it is not too late to select a word to focus on for 2021. I recently went through this process and found it very enlightening. I believe it will help guide me during the year.

Tips for choosing a Word of the Year

  • Reflect on what you would like more of (or less of) in your life
  • Focus on where you would like to be at the end of the year
  • Consider areas of your life or mindset you’d like to improve upon
  • Jot down potential words (there are plenty of lists online) and see which ones resonate the most

While there were a few words that resounded with me during my search, I finally settled on COURAGE. I chose it because there are challenges and opportunities facing me during the next 12 months. While I know from experience that stepping out of my comfort zone creates great growth, I need reminders and courage to propel me towards that change. It is also incredibly important that my girls see this behavior modeled by me. I hope that it can empower them to have courage in their own lives. Because my girls are turning fifteen this year, they will need courage as they learn to drive and I will need courage as I teach them – a scary thought for sure!


Once you have chosen your word, find a place to display it – put it in a journal, planner or on a post-it to place on your bathroom mirror. Use it in your email signature block. Use it as the basis for one of your passwords. Let it be a guidepost and encouragement throughout 2021.

As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone

Mary McCraw, CFP®

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