image of spotlights on a stage in a theater

The Power of the Arts to Elevate Life During Quarantine

Last weekend, like many people around the world, I enjoyed watching the premiere of the Hamilton movie on Disney+. While it didn’t compare to the experience of seeing it live in the theatre, it was wonderful having different perspective from multiple cameras and being able to see the actors up close. 

During this quarantine, my family has definitely missed live theater, dance and music. In what feels like a lifetime ago, I was a theater major in college and lived to be on the stage. I have always loved live theater, and as our girls have grown, we’ve tried to expose them to many different live performances. 

Like many others, we have had concerts canceled and plays postponed over the past few months. We can’t wait to get back to the theater and support artists.

After watching Hamilton, I started looking for other resources online for live performances and wanted to highlight a few I found interesting:

Marquee TV

This is a paid streaming service ($8.99 per month – similar to Disney+ pricing) with performances in dance, theatre, opera and documentaries. Some of the companies include:

  • Bolshoi Ballet
  • Alonzo King Lines Ballet
  • Northern Ballet
  • Royal Opera House
  • Royal Shakespeare Company

Living Room Concerts

These free videos from Broadway World feature actors performing songs in their living rooms. Some of the shows featured are Les Miserables, Mean Girls and Waitress. These are fun, short videos if you have a favorite show or performer and want to see a more casual, up close performance.

Lincoln Center at Home

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts has made a wide range of performances available at this website on demand (for free) and regularly update the videos that are available. This is a great free resource that covers a wide variety of the arts.

PBS Great Performances – Broadway at Home

Finally, AETN will be showing a wonderful range of shows from Lincoln Center, Shakespeare in the Park, Washington Heights and Studio 54. These will be on Friday’s at 8:00pm beginning July 24th. The highlight is Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The King and I 2015 production with Ken Watanabe and Kelli O’Hara in the leading roles.

Over the past few months, I have enjoyed seeing what our local arts organizations have done. The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra’s “Bedtime with Bach” virtual series was featured in the Washington Post and USA Today. Ballet Arkansas has been providing streams of performances and classes for all ages on their social media. During a stressful time, I am thankful to have the arts available.

As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone.

Mary McCraw, CFP®

Copyright © 2020 The Arkansas Financial Group, Inc., All rights reserved.


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