Tag Archives: Identity Theft

Identity Theft Part II
Kristina Bolhouse, CPA/PFS, CFP® After many years as an auditor, financial planner and tax preparer, I’ve witnessed firsthand the creative ways that fraud and identity theft occur. I have developed a healthy respect for “what can go wrong” with financial…
Identity Theft
By: Kristina Bolhouse CFP® The term “identity theft” is now part of our lexicon. But what does it mean exactly? Since it covers a wide spectrum of activities, the term has become rather confusing. Identity Theft is simply defined as the…
Identity Theft Part II
Kristina Bolhouse, CPA/PFS, CFP® After many years as an auditor, financial planner and tax preparer, I’ve witnessed firsthand the creative ways that fraud and identity theft occur. I have developed a healthy respect for “what can go wrong” with financial…