Smart Wearables for Seniors

Smart Wearables for Seniors

I have previously written about personalized healthcare and the development of digital devices that allow individuals to take a more active role in managing their health. I focused these comments on active adults- the “weekend warriors” who are making fitness a core of their lifestyle.

Seniors can also benefit from these products. While seniors have a reputation for being less tech-inclined, 60% of Medicare-eligible seniors say they have embraced technology more amid the pandemic, according to a survey conducted by

Here are the benefits of wearables for seniors:

  • Encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Collecting data to inform the creation and maintenance of care and treatment plans
  • Increasing the independence of the senior
  • Providing peace of mind to a senior’s care circle
  • Real-time monitoring so that you are always up to date on your loved one’s condition
  • Ease of use

Multifunction Devices

There are two smartwatches that are appropriate and available for seniors:

  1. Apple Watch Series 7 model released in 2021 includes a blood oxygen saturation monitor, sleep-tracking capabilities, a faster FDA-approved electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor (to detect atrial fibrillation), upgraded heart health monitoring, and fall detection that will automatically call 911 if it detects the wearer is not moving.
  2. The Angel Watch was developed as a simple multifunction device for kids but has been extremely useful for elderly relatives. There is no access to the internet, games or social media. This watch is focused on important care for seniors. With this watch you can do the following:
  • Make Cell Phone Calls: Simple, easy-to-dial cellular voice and video calling
  • Secure Communication: Restrict who can contact your loved one and avoid intrusive telemarketers.
  • GPS & Geo Fencing: Track and locate your loved one and create Geo-Fences to set out-of-bounds alerts, and be alerted to wandering
  • SOS Calling: Add up to three emergency contacts and call for help with a single press of a dedicated SOS button.
  • Messaging: Secured end-to-end encrypted individual and family group messaging
  • Medication Reminders: Set voice recorded reminders saying which medicines are due and announce it at the right time.
  • Fall Alerts: Receive notifications and optional calls in case of a fall.
  • Monitor Vital Signs: Remotely take readings of Body Temperature, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and more.

According to Insider Intelligence’s Smartwatch Users forecast, the number of US smartwatch users grew from 42 million to 45.2 million users from 2020 to 2021, and this is expected to continue to grow to 51.9 million smartwatch users by 2024.

Wearables that focus on the heart

There are also devices that focus on Heart-related conditions. Omron healthcare launched Heart Guide in 2019—the first wearable blood pressure monitor. What makes this monitor stand out is that it can measure blood pressure as it tracks daily activities like steps, distance, and calories burned. Users can determine how their habits are impacting their blood pressure.

Wearable ECG monitors use flashing LEDs to penetrate the skin, capture the flow of blood through sensors, and produce heart rate data. ECG monitoring first became popular through the Apple Watch and is now used on other smartwatches such as the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 and the Fitbit Sense health watch. 

The Withings Move ECG smartwatch launched in 2019, making it simple for users to keep up with heart health and send data from ECG readings directly to their doctor.

A significant U.S. government program may accelerate the adoption of monitoring. Medicare introduced guidelines for Remote Patient Monitoring in late 2018. This program allows the possibility of qualified Medicare patients receiving monitoring devices for free while the healthcare provider receives compensation for monitoring the patients’ health via the devices.

Please email or call if you want to set up a meeting or talk by phone.

Ralph Broadwater, M.D., CFP®

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