
Approaching Retirement
Dr. Thomas Tobin is a 56-year-old Cardiologist who has been with the same group of doctors since he completed training 25 years ago. He and his wife, Sarah, who is a CPA, have done most of their own investment selection, but have no actual game plan or idea how to convert their assets into a dependable income stream.

Bob and Ruth Spangerson are both retired physicians who have been married for 38 years. They retired two years ago, but have grown uncomfortable with their ability to manage their investments to produce a dependable income stream. They feel it is time to turn their portfolio over to a professional so they can finally travel and enjoy life.

Divorced Late in Life
Marion Jentzen is 54 years old and recently divorced after 28 years of marriage. She wants to save for retirement, as well as be able to help her daughter and grandchild.

Young Professional
Dr. James Sebring is a 26-year-old Orthopedic surgery resident. He is married and his wife is pregnant. His training will be completed in 3 years but his concerns go way beyond that time span.
*These fictitious scenarios are designed to generally illustrate how we may provide our services to a client. Keeping in mind that no two clients, situations, or experiences are exactly alike, these scenarios are not to be construed as an endorsement of the Firm by any of its past or current clients, nor any assurance that we may be able to help you achieve the same results.