Public Libraries: Amazing Resources

Throughout my life, Public Libraries have always been one of my favorite places. I’ve even been accused of being an unofficial advocate for the local library. I frequently urge friends and co-workers to take advantage of the amazing resources. My parents are both teachers, and I have always loved to read. A building full of books was naturally my happy place. Better yet, I could take them home for free!

As Albert Einstein said, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” While that may be an exaggeration of sorts, libraries today go way beyond book lending with a variety of services for communities. Below are some public library offerings that you may not know exist:

  • E-Books – Most library systems offer a wide range of e-books available easily through an app and in a variety of formats (kindle, ePub, etc).
  • Research and Databases – Multiple research databases are available at most libraries to help with school projects, career exploration or even researching a new car purchase.
  • Tutoring and Test Prep – Our local library offers online services for tutoring including test prep, including the ACT/SAT.
  • Classes/workshops for adults – The library can be a great place to meet with others and learn a new skill. Due to COVID, these classes have temporarily morphed into “take home kits.”
  • Children’s services – Preschool story time is just one example of the resources available for children at the library. I know this was a highlight for our girls (and my husband to get a little break) when they were in preschool. Summer Reading Clubs also keep kids entertained when school is out.
  • “Library of Things” – These are popping up at library systems around the country and our local system has expanded on this idea in the last few years. A library of things is a place where a variety of items can be loaned out – our local system offers several including a tool library, toy library and a telescope library. The tool library specifically is a great idea – many tools are purchased and used one time, but then sit in a garage for years unused.

Our local system has a Children’s Library & Learning Center with a unique slate of innovative services that you don’t commonly see at a library. There are hiking trails with a series of kiosks that walk your child through the pages of a book and shopping carts for children to load up their reading choices.

While your local library system is likely to have different offerings, I encourage you to jump online and check out what is available. You may be amazed at what you find. As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone.

Mary McCraw, CFP®

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