Category Archives: Retirement

ABC’s of Financial Planning: Levers of Retirement
Retirement math can be hard - these fundamental concepts help make it easier.
New Charitable Gifting Paradigm
Impacts of the CARES Act on Standard Deductions & Required Minimum Distributions
Limitations of the 4% Rule
Planning beyond the 4% rule for a successful retirement.
At the Intersection of Football and Retirement Planning
Ten shared strategies between American football and retirement savings.
When to Claim Social Security
7 factors to consider before taking your Social Security benefit.
The “End of History Illusion”
Through Scenario Planning, we can evaluate a diverse set of "what ifs" to plan for your future and avoid the pitfalls of the "End of History Illusion".
Advanced Estate Planning: Consider Early Gifting
Support your heirs through these lifetime gifting strategies.
Digital Legacy Planning
How will your online accounts and presence live on long after you're gone? Take these steps to plan your digital legacy.