Category Archives: Resilient Lifestyle

A Different Type of Love Letter
We discuss leaving a communication to your loved ones to be shared after you pass.
Word of the Year
Like many, we are thrilled to put 2020 behind us. But in lieu of a resolution, Mary explores a Word of the Year thought process.
The Importance of Developing and Nurturing Relationships
Now is an excellent time to intentionally build, grow, and improve your relationships.
George Kinder’s Three-Question Test
Three simple questions to clarify your goals and re-set the course in your life.
The Blessings of Regret
Regret shapes our lives and may be the greatest agent for change that we possess. But regret can cut two ways.
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you a happy holiday and best wishes for the new year!
Launching Our Kids into Adulthood
When your children are about to launch into the world as adults, it's worth thinking about what nuggets of wisdom to impart as they go.
Good Things That Happened in 2020
Good things did happen in 2020, right? We surveyed ourselves to find out.