Category Archives: Financial Planning

Are You Avoiding Trouble?
Writing checks can be riskier than you think.
New PlanFirst! “My Plan” Feature
Exploring an enhanced version of the Goals section with a new name and new features.
Gift4Giving with Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Donor-advised funds are one of our favorite vehicles for tax-efficient charitable giving.
Support for Caregivers
More than 65 million people (29% of the U.S. population) provide care for an aged, chronically ill, or disabled family member or friend during any given year. The average caregiver spends 20 hours per week providing care for their loved…
Important Numbers for 2025
Updates from the IRS and Social Security Administration for the year ahead.
Fiduciary Lawn Services
The difference in serving clients over processes.
Something Old, Something New
A way to update long-held portfolios to yield higher rates of return in the long run.
How (and Why) to Freeze Your Credit
Understanding and protecting yourself from identity theft.