Category Archives: Financial Literacy

ABCs: Three People It Pays to Know
My father reiterated many times the importance of knowing an attorney, a banker, and a Certified Public Accountant. Let's look at the reasons these ABCs are so critical.
The Debt That Really Matters
In which we learn a little about macroeconomics and that there is both good and bad debt. Buckle up.
Save-to-Spend Review
Save-to-Spend is an approach to grow wealth. Learn how to get started with some easy savings methods.
American Rescue Plan
The American Rescue Plan was passed this month and we explore how this might impact you.
The Bitcoin Bandwagon…Some Cautionary Thoughts
You've heard of Bitcoin but maybe are not sure what it is and whether you should buy some? We have answers.
What Will You Take?
Think about will you take away from this experience.