Category Archives: Estate Planning

Harnessing the Power of Parkinson’s Law
Avoid procrastination and find motivation to work toward long term goals.
Getting Your Affairs in Order
Steps to ensure everyone in your household is on the same page about your finances.
The “End of History Illusion”
Through Scenario Planning, we can evaluate a diverse set of "what ifs" to plan for your future and avoid the pitfalls of the "End of History Illusion".
Advanced Estate Planning: Consider Early Gifting
Support your heirs through these lifetime gifting strategies.
Digital Legacy Planning
How will your online accounts and presence live on long after you're gone? Take these steps to plan your digital legacy.
Donor-Advised Fund FAQs
With new tax laws, Donor-Advised Funds have become more attractive than direct gifting. Why is that?
Revisiting Tax Strategies: Part 1
Charitable Giving Donor-Advised Funds are a great way to avoid taxation on capital gains while meeting your charitable goals.
ABCs: Three People It Pays to Know
My father reiterated many times the importance of knowing an attorney, a banker, and a Certified Public Accountant. Let's look at the reasons these ABCs are so critical.