Category Archives: Behavioral Finance

Buy Nothing Project
This group gives new meaning to cleaning out your closet.
Save-to-Spend Review
Save-to-Spend is an approach to grow wealth. Learn how to get started with some easy savings methods.
My Pandemic Silver Lining
While this has been a tough time for all of us, even during the pandemic, people have found the silver lining of family Zoom gatherings.
The Science of Happiness
Last fall, Rick and I had the opportunity to attend a conference hosted by eMoney (our financial planning software company). I expected excellent technical training and information; I did not expect the keynote speakers’ focus on human psychology. I came…
Are you better than before?
Habits are a fascinating subject and the topic of a book called Better Than Before. This may be a good time to think about our habits and how to change them.
Futurism Part V: The Promise of P3 Medicine and Biohacking to Enhance Longevity
Medical care has changed to focus more on exercise and fitness to keep us healthy.
Futurism Part IV: Longevity
by Ralph Broadwater, MD, CFP®, AIF® One of the most disruptive changes in society is the study of aging and longevity research. There will be a ripple effect in every aspect of society as our health care system changes and…
Kiva Zip- A New Way for Philanthropy
If you are interested in charitable giving, check out Kiva Zip at http://zip.kiva.org. In March, 2013 President Bill Clinton was in Arkansas to announce the start of Kiva Zip, a project of Kiva.org to make direct 0% interest loans to…