Category Archives: Behavioral Finance

Being Wealthy vs. Feeling Wealthy
What does wealth mean to you? Explore the results of the 2023 Modern Wealth Survey.
Increasing Your Capacity for Risk
Six areas of focus for evaluating and increasing your risk capacity.
The Power of a Holiday Shopping List
A reminder from Santa Claus to spend consciously and save unconsciously.
2022 Market Analysis: The Crisis?
Comparing the current market to four crises in recent memory: Black Friday 1987, the Tech Bubble, the Financial Crisis, and the Covid Crisis.
A Different Kind of Gift
We invite you to think about a gift this season of passing on your legacy, values and beliefs.
A Cautionary Tale of Social Engineering
It is so important to be aware and cautious about giving out credit card information. A cautionary tale indeed.
The Challenge of Culture
The pandemic has impacted the culture of many organizations. Rick got to thinking about Culture, how it is formed in a company and it is sustained...or not.
Buying a Car in Your Pajamas
If you're not interested in in-person car shopping/negotiating, purchasing a car online might be an option.