Identity Theft

By:  Kristina Bolhouse CFP® The term “identity theft” is now part of our lexicon.  But what does it mean exactly?  Since it covers a wide spectrum of activities, the term has become rather confusing.  Identity Theft is simply defined as the…

It’s Not Too Late to Refinance

By:  Mary McCraw, CFP® With mortgage rates at historic lows, we have received many questions from clients about refinancing.  To evaluate if refinancing makes sense, you need to know both the upfront costs involved in the loan and the rate…

Kids & Money – Saving for College

By: Mary E. McCraw, CFP® Recently, I wrote about financially preparing for a new baby.  While those early days of baby gear and diapers are certainly expensive, they pale in comparison to the looming cost of college.  Here are some things to consider:…

Family having a talk

Kids & Money – Allowance

By: Mary E. McCraw, CFP® Teaching basic financial concepts early can minimize common but costly financial mistakes kids often make when they leave home. Mistakes happen, but a mistake with a $200 clothing allowance is not nearly as devastating as…