Be a tourist in your own town

Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

Plan the perfect staycation this summer.

In 2008, my family was preparing to move across the country to come back home to Arkansas. We had been living in Los Angeles for a little more than four years. Our twin girls were born there. About a month before leaving, we started making a list of all the things we wanted to do in LA that we hadn’t yet experienced. While we loved to spend time on the Malibu Beach, we really hadn’t taken the time to fully appreciate all that LA had to offer. Of course, trying to squeeze in all the touristy things in just one month was not possible. There were also practical limitations with two toddlers in tow. We did not complete everything on our list, but I am so glad that we made the effort to be tourists in our own town that last month.

I took that lesson to heart when we arrived back in Little Rock. We have tried to be intentional about exploring all that Little Rock has to offer. It is so easy to get bogged down in a daily routine and not explore where you live. There are still items on our Little Rock bucket list. I am hoping to cross most of them off before our girls head off to college in two years.

Being a tourist in your own town is no different than planning any vacation. Pretend you are traveling and discover all that there is to do:

  • Museums/History: Visit the local museums to learn about the area’s history and culture. Do a little research to discover interesting facts and landmarks to visit. Many states have online encyclopedias full of history and background on towns. If you’re in Arkansas, you can learn more about your town at the CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas.
  • Restaurants: Does your town have any spots that have won prestigious awards or been featured on a TV show/travel blog?
  • Ask Friends: Don’t just rely on internet research or guidebooks. Ask your friends for their favorite places in your town. If you’re new to the area, you can learn much from those who have a long history in your town.
  • Unique neighborhoods: Visit a different neighborhood. Whether it is an established downtown area or an up-and-coming neighborhood, spend a day and visit the shops, farmer’s market, or restaurants to get a feel for that neighborhood. 

With high gas prices, this summer is a wonderful time to stick closer to home and explore. I encourage you to get outside of your everyday routine and get a fresh perspective on the place that you call home. You may be surprised how similarly it can feel like a getaway, even when you don’t travel far.

As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone.

Mary McCraw, CFP®

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