Is Now the Time to Refinance?

By: Mary E. McCraw, CFP®

With interest rates at historic lows, it is an excellent opportunity to lock in a low rate on your mortgage. However, many people simply don’t take advantage of this strategy to reduce their mortgage costs. Below are a few reasons we have heard for not moving forward with refinancing:

  • High Upfront Costs – While it is true that many lenders charge 1% or more to complete a refinancing, the savings in monthly interest cost can quickly recoup these costs. You simply need an estimate of the total costs and the new loan rate to calculate how long it will take to recoup those costs. Also, at least in Little Rock, there are local banks offering low-cost and even no-cost refinancing. It is worth asking around to see if any of these options are available in your area.
  • Low Appraisals – Of course, low appraisals can be a sticking point in the current real estate market. While 20% equity is required for the best rates and terms, there are options for refinancing with as little as 5% equity. If your current mortgage has an adjustable rate and you need to lock-in to a fixed rate, it may be worth looking into these options even with less than 20% equity. Of course, the closer you can get to 20% equity, the more options will be available.
  • Hassle Factor – Many people have had a horrible experience refinancing with one of the big banks, often through an online or phone process. In our experience, it is possible for refinancing to be a painless process. Often, local banks are willing to go above and beyond to minimize the hassle factor.

If you are approaching retirement in the next 10 to 15 years, now is an excellent time to refinance and match your mortgage pay-off date to your retirement date.

Don’t let the reasons above scare you off from potentially large savings over the life of your mortgage.

®2013 The Arkansas Financial Group, Inc., All Rights Reserved


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