Calm, Certainty and Community
As life shrouded by Covid continues, I have come to value three states:
- Calm over chaos
- Even small experiences of certainty over perpetual uncertainty
- Community over isolation
I have no expectation that life will quickly or fully shift from one state to the other during the pandemic. I suspect that there are simply parts of life that will feel broken until, or if, we have appropriate medical solutions and widespread, appropriate public behaviors to safely manage this virus. I am more confident in the former rather than the latter. At this point, I’m happy with small, incremental progress.
Before I share my own thoughts, let me say that I’m genuinely interested in ways you’re trying to address these three realms. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas at If you would be comfortable with me sharing them I would love to expand the few ideas I might have with the many ideas the large number of the bright, thoughtful people who receive this will also have (this is part of that Community aspect).
Here are a few steps I’ve taken to add calm to my life.
- Listening to Dan Fogelberg more than Led Zeppelin
- Listening to KUAR
- Walking at least thirty-five minutes nightly at the end of another hectic day
- Avoiding certain articles or TV programs that promote stress and conflict
In a world with so much uncertainty, this state is the toughest.
- Trying to identify and build as many patterns/routines that I can into my daily life
- Avoiding people, places or situations that are highly unpredictable
- Intentionally reducing my level of risk-taking
- Driving routes that may be slower, but are more predictable
- Generally slowing down, the hardest for me
As social creatures, finding Community during these times is vital to emotional and physical health.
- Using Facetime and Zoom for Book Clubs, Bible Studies and other small group gatherings (not just for more meetings)
- It dawned on me that some of the most comforting and precious mementos I have are old letters from my mom and grandparents. My children and grandchildren don’t have letters from me, and I need to change that.
- More calling and less texting
- Making a list of people that might be isolated and being in regular contact with them
- Making a list of old friends that I’ve lost contact with, and finding a way to reconnect with them.
These are clearly not exhaustive lists. I’ll bet you have many other ways you have tried to address these or at least contemplated adding new activities to your life. I very seriously would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone.
Rick Adkins, CFP®, ChFC, MBA
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