When (and Why) to Freeze Your Credit?

How (and Why) to Freeze Your Credit

In July of this year, AT&T had a large data breach affecting millions of users. This is just one of many data breaches so far in 2024, but it had a wide reach and has gotten people’s attention. If you have been notified that your data was part of a breach, IdentityTheft.gov has this checklist of items to make sure you are protected. 

Even if you haven’t been notified you have been part of a breach, there are things you can do to protect yourself. “What To Know About Identity Theft” on the FTC’s website includes many helpful items. 

One simple step that can be taken at any time to provide some protection is to place a freeze on your credit reports

What is a credit freeze?

A credit freeze prevents creditors from accessing your report, which can prevent someone from fraudulently opening an account in your name. 

How to Place a Freeze

The process is fairly simple but must be completed with all three major credit reporting bureaus. I recently completed this for myself and was able to do it all online in about 30 minutes. To complete online, you will be asked to set-up a free account with each bureau. With the accounts, you will also be able to temporarily lift the freeze if you need to apply for a new loan, mortgage, etc. If you are not comfortable completing the process online, it can also be done via phone or mail.

hen Links are below for each bureau’s process:

I recommend using a computer to complete this since it can be hard to find the free account option on a mobile device. Once you have set-up the free online accounts, it is also easy to request a free copy of your credit report from each bureau to review. Since a credit freeze is a simple (and free) process, we recommend doing it as a precaution. If you ever need to apply for credit, simply contact the bureaus or login to your account to temporarily lift the freeze. Make sure to save your login information for each bureau, so you can easily access to life the freeze as needed.As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone.

Mary McCraw, CFP®

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